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Fabio Machiavelli studied Percussion Instruments with Jonathan Faralli (MA in Percussion Instruments, 2018), and Composition with Giovanni Verrando, Daniele Ghisi, Andrea Agostini (MA in Composition, 2022), Claudio Vaira, Fabio De Sanctis De Benedictis (BA in Composition, 2020), and others. He continued his education at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena with Salvatore Sciarrino, receiving the Diploma di Merito in 2024.

 As percussionist he worked with ORT, Festival di Musica Contemporanea di Bologna, Tuscia Percussio, and others.
He’s a member of the Italian contemporary ensemble “Endakdenz,” specialized in performing music written in the most recent years.


His music has been performed by Input Duo, Neko3, Mdi Ensemble, Divertimento Ensemble, Spòldzielnia Muzyczna contemporary ensemble, Quartetto Prometeo, Endkadenz Ensemble, Livorno Music Festival Chamber Ensemble, Francesco Dillon and others, and presented in festivals and seasons as: La Biennale di Venezia, Warsaw Autumn, Sacroprofanum Festival, Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik Darmstadt, Suoni Inauditi, Tempo Reale and others.

He attended masterclasses with Salvatore Sciarrino, Francesco Filidei, Stefano Gervasoni, Fabien Lèvy, Alessandro Perini, Jaime Reis, Thierry Coduys, Marco Stroppa, Miller Puckette, Brigitta Muntendorf, Alberto Carretero, Marco Liuni, Alessandro Solbiati, Alessandro Melchiorre, Ivan Fedele, Christian Hamouy, Christopher Austin, others.

His music is published by SZ Sugar, Milan.

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